Michel Petite, directeur-generaal van de Juridische Dienst van de Europese Commissie, treedt deze maand in dienst bij Clifford Chance. Hij gaat daar de internationale clientèle strategische adviezen geven over diverse aspecten van het EU-beleid. Daarbij zal hij onder andere nauw samenwerken met de ... lees verder
Clifford Chance

Welcome to Clifford Chance Amsterdam
Clifford Chance is one of the world’s pre-eminent law firms with significant depth and range of resources across five continents. Our Amsterdam office has been providing our clients with the highest-quality advice and innovative legal insight for half a century. We are committed to be the law firm of choice in The Netherlands for the world’s leading businesses and the best talent of today and tomorrow.
Full-service offering from top-ranked teams
We combine the firm's global quality standards with our in-depth expertise of the Dutch market. Our clients include major financial institutions, financial investors and multinationals with a traditional focus on finance, capital markets, private equity, cross border M&A and an increased focus on the tech sector.
Our clients come to us for complex work and innovative solutions. We are well known for both our domestic work and our cross-border, cross-practice transactions. Our lawyers work across top tier practices in Banking & Finance, Capital Markets, Restructuring & Insolvency, Corporate M&A, Litigation & Dispute Resolution, Project Finance, Real Estate and Tax, Pensions Employment.
Focus on Tech and ESG
We recognise that rapid advances in technology such as AI, robotics, blockchain, big data and cyber security are significantly impacting our clients’ business models, their growth strategies and even day-to-day decision making, bringing opportunities to be harnessed and risks to be navigated. Our Tech Group consists of 30 tech lawyers in Amsterdam and over 600 across the globe and helps our clients stay ahead of the curve and outstrip the pace of change by providing strategic tech law advice. Read more about tech.
Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) factors have fast risen to the top of the board agenda with companies increasingly aware that a failure to address these matters can be detrimental to their businesses, both financially and reputationally. We have been involved in many first-of-a-kind and award-winning matters across the full spectrum of environmental issues, including green and blue financing, renewable energy, carbon off-setting and net zero strategies, and waste and pollution. Read more about ESG.
Community outreach
Responsible Business has a central part in our strategy. As we are deep-rooted in the Netherlands, we use our skills to make a meaningful contribution to our local community. We are motivated to help address social disadvantage and provide access to justice, finance and education. We encourage our people to spend 50 hours per year on corporate responsibility projects such as IMC Weekend School, NL Cares, JINC and pro-bono. We are also passionate supporters of great initiatives such as TEDxWomen, International Theatre Amsterdam, SAIL, the Stedelijk Museum, De Regenboog Groep and many more.
Simmons & Simmons verliest Haven & Handels praktijk door vertrek van 2 partners
Binnen twee maanden tijd zijn er 4 partners vertrokken bij Simmons & Simmons en een heel douane team. Dit keer verlaten Jan Willem Bruidegom en Jan van Zuuren het kantoor. Zij worden per 1 januari 2008 partners bij Van Traa Advocaten. Hiermee verliest Simmons & Simmons haar Haven & Handels praktijk. ... lees verder
Amerikaanse en Engelse kantoren winnen de meeste Chambers Global Awards 2007
Greenberg Traurig en Allen & Overy zijn in de prijzen gevallen tijden de prijsuitreiking van de Chambers Global Awards 2007. Donderdag 8 november werden de prijzen uitgereikt in Londen. Greenberg Traurig werd verkozen tot USA Law Firm of the Year en Allen & Overy werd Benelux Law Firm of the Year ... lees verder
Clifford adviseert Alpinvest bij overname DPL
De voormalige investeringsmaatschappij van zakenbank NIB Capital, Alpinvest, koopt samen met branchegenoot Lexington Partners de beleggingsportefeuille van het Amerikaanse energiebedrijf DPL. De portefeuille vertegenwoordigt een waarde van circa € 924 miljoen. ... lees verder